关于 Docker 中 tty 尺寸不太对的问题

不知道为啥就是不行,不过本来就对 docker 这玩意没啥好感。

$ docker exec -it foo /bin/bash
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ stty size
0 0
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ reset -w
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ stty size
24 80
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ # That was still wrong. Now resize the terminal to get a SIGWINCH.
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ stty size
69 208
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ exit
$ docker exec -it foo /bin/bash # Try it again.
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ stty size
69 208
foo@649fb21d747c:~$ # Doesn't happen anymore for this session.



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